I am using restangular and I have an interceptor. The idea is that for every response 401 the interceptor should redirect to a different state.
The problem is that angular does not allow the injection of services in config. It only allows the injection of providers.
How can I have access to the $state: ng.ui.IStateService
in my restangular interceptor?
I know I could inject the provider $stateProvider: ng.ui.IStateProvider
but I don't think there is any way to navigate to certain state from the provider.
This is what I have:
/// <reference path="../../typings/globals/restangular/index.d.ts" />
((): void => {
"use strict";
configRestangular.$inject = [
function isCustomValidationErrorResponse(response: restangular.IResponse) {
return (response.data && response.data.customValidationError === true);
function configRestangular(
$state: ng.ui.IStateService,
restangularProvider: restangular.IProvider,
authSettings: IAuthSettings,
stateNames: IStateNames,
apiUrl: string) {
// restangular settings
restangularProvider.setErrorInterceptor((response: restangular.IResponse, deferred: ng.IDeferred<any>) => {
if (response.status === 401) {
$state.go(stateNames.login); //this will fail because $state cannot be injected here and I don't know how to navigate to a different state from $stateProvider
return true;
The way would be - configure Restangular.setErrorInterceptor in the .run()
phase (check the Restangular
not RestangularProvider
). There we can get the $state
as expected
See also:
// Here I inject the service BaseUrlCalculator which I need
app.run(function(Restangular, BaseUrlCalculator) {