Getting a TypeMismatchError: Value is not Object
in the following codes
var fileHandler = {
init: function init(){
tizen.filesystem.resolve(this.dirName, this.resolveSuccessCB,this.resolveErrorCB,"rw");
resolveSuccessCB: function resolveSuccessCB(result){
this.documentsDir = result;
//this.newFile = documentsDir.createFile(this.fileName);
// Error Here - TypeMismatchError: Value is not Object
console.log("All Good in "+this.documentsDir);
resolveErrorCB: function resolveErrorCB(error){
console.log("Unable to access "+this.dirName+". Error:"+error.message);
listFilesSuccessCB: function listFilesSuccessCB(files){
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++){
/* Display the file name and URI */
console.log("File name is " + files[i].name + ", URI is " + files[i].toURI());
onStorage: function onStorage(storage){
console.log("Storage found:" + storage.label);
checkCorruptedRemovableDrives: function checkCorruptedRemovableDrives(storages){
this.storages = storages;
for (var i = 0; i < storages.length; i++)
if (storages[i].type != "EXTERNAL"){
if (storages[i].state == "UNMOUNTABLE"){
console.log("External drive " + storages[i].label + " is corrupted.");
} else {
console.log(" Storage = " + storages[i].label );
// Error here - TypeMismatchError: Value is not Object
tizen.filesystem.getStorage(storages[i].label, this.onStorage);
The error occurs at two places marked as Error Here in the codes.
In tizen.filesystem.getStorage(storages[i].label, this.onStorage);
the datatype of the first argument is DOMString and storages[i].label
is also of type DOMString.
In result.listFiles(this.listFilesSuccessCB);
expects a callback fucntion.
Most of the codes have been copied pasted from Tizen FileSystem Guide but still not working.
Please help. Thank in advance!! Also where can I find the "documents" directory, when I browse the filesystem of my wearable device.
Simple Answer change this
to fileHandler
Do not trust "this" when your function is called in tizen API.
You seems to use checkCorruptedRemovableDrives
to succuess call back of tizen.filesystem.listStorages
And you trust "this" in checkCorruptedRemovableDrives
is fileHandler
But most of Tizen web API callback functions called like following code.
callback.apply(callback, [], 1));
first argument of apply is passed into callback
for this
but it is self function object.
So if you want fileHandler
in your function, don't use this
use fileHandler direct.
following code is Tizen web API implementation You can look this
following callIfPossible
function listStorages() {
var args = validator_.validateArgs(arguments, [
{name: 'onsuccess', type: types_.FUNCTION},
{name: 'onerror', type: types_.FUNCTION, optional: true, nullable: true}
setTimeout(function() {
var storages = [];
var cache = commonFS_.getAllStorages();
for (var i = 0; i < cache.length; ++i) {
storages.push(new FileSystemStorage(cache[i]));
native_.callIfPossible(args.onsuccess, storages);
}, 0);
NativeManager.prototype.callIfPossible = function(callback) {
if (!_type.isNullOrUndefined(callback)) {
callback.apply(callback, [], 1));