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How does GC-mechanism in FB-2.0 release plugin-objects?

Good day!

All objects returned by FireWyrmJS are automatically released after 5 seconds in Chrome, but I need keeping some objects to interact with it. Is is safe to deactivate that releasing at all in chrome-extension scripts? Or may be it is possible to filter some way: what objects to release and what objects to keep?

I have seen retain() and release() methods in chrome-extension javascripts but i need one web page for chrome, ie and firefox, so I hope for better solution.

I return objects from plugin to browser next way:

MyObjectPtr MyPluginAPI::getMyObj()
   return std::make_shared<MyObject>(m_host);

I've debugged it and gotten that destructor of MyObject is being called when web-page is refreshed (in chrome). Is it right? In that case real object in plugin exists, but i can not interact with it in web-page because of 5 sec releasing.

Thanks for any advices.


  • Unfortunately there is no way to automatically manage garbage collection between javascript and firewyrm because there is no way to be notified when a js object is GC'd. It is definitely not safe to disable that check -- if you do you'll end up with severe memory leaks. Instead you should call .retain() on the object you want to hold on to (and .release() when you don't need it anymore).