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Apply `trim()` and `regexp_replace()` on text array

I am trying to transform a PostgreSQL text array into one where each value is replaced by one where each white space is surrounded by a character on each side. In other words, I am trying to apply trim() and regexp_replace() on each value in a text array. This is all done (among other things) inside a database function.

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION manipulate_array(multiplevalues text[])
    RETURNS text[] AS 
            singlevalue text;

            FOREACH singlevalue IN ARRAY multiplevalues LOOP
                SELECT trim(regexp_replace(singlevalue, '\s+', ' ', 'g')) INTO singlevalue;
            END LOOP;

            RETURN multiplevalues;
    COST 100;
    ALTER FUNCTION manipulate_array(multiplevalues text[]) OWNER TO username;

Unfortunately, when I call the function with multiplevalues = '{" red ", " blue ", " Ye llow "}' as one of the arguments the returned value is the exact same text array. How do I get '{"red", "blue", "yellow"}' as a return value?

I have been staring at the definitions for trim(), regexp_replace() and the FOREACH loop for a while now, and I might just need a check from someone else.


  • Your code never changes the multiplevalues array. It just changes each element, then throws that new value away.

    You need a variable where you can aggregate your results into:

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION manipulate_array(multiplevalues text[])
    RETURNS text[] AS 
        singlevalue text;
        l_result text[] := '{}'::text[]; -- initialize with an empty array
        FOREACH singlevalue IN ARRAY multiplevalues LOOP
            SELECT trim(regexp_replace(singlevalue, '\s+', ' ', 'g')) INTO singlevalue;
            l_result := l_result || singlevalue; -- append to the result
        END LOOP;
        RETURN l_result; -- return the new array, not the old one
    COST 100;

    But this can be done a bit simpler using a unnest and array_agg and a plain SQL function (rather then PL/pgSQL)

    You need to first unnest the array, trim the values and the aggregate that back into an array.

    I am not sure I understand what you are trying to do, but this will trim all values inside the array and return a new one:

    create function trim_all(p_values text[])
      returns text[]
      select array_agg(trim(regexp_replace(t.v, '\s+', ' ', 'g')) order by
        from unnest(p_values) with ordinality as t(v, nr);
    language sql;