I understand Admob is getting an overhaul, but I don't see why I can't sign up for an Admob account.
I am using my Gmail account, but when I go to https://apps.admob.com/admob/ a red bar at the top of the page shows up saying "An error has occurred. Refresh the page and try again".
I don't even have Adblock downloaded, as I know that helped some people. Also, my secondary Gmail account seems to be able to proceed on from the first step. I really think I should be using the same Gmail account that is also used for my Android developers account.
I have contacted support and they say simply open an incognito window (and I have done so), and I made sure some of the network certificates are cleared, and that my extensions were disabled.
Any insight would be appreciated. The account will be 18 in less than a month if that helps at all, and I also was about to go through the Adsense process (I don't think I actually sent my application).
In your adsense account go to access and authorization section and click on AdMob account and select current account as preferred account.