Search code examples

Search and Compare Columns to Create New Columns (Teradata SQL)

I have a dataset with Sale event history, and i need to create a column to show if the sale is still active. My dataset looks like this:

item | original_price | sale1 | sale2 | sale3 | current_price
1    | 3.00           | 2.75  | ?     | ?     | 2.75
2    | 4.00           | ?     | 3.50  | ?     | 4.00
3    | 10.00          | 7.50  | ?     | 8.50  | 8.50

in the case of item 1, the new field should say active since the item is still at the sale1 price. Item 2 should say nonactive, because the price is no longer at a sale price.
Item 3 was on sale, then was not, and is now on sale again active.
So, the SQL needs to pull in all of these fields, and create a new column by comparing current_price to the most recent salex variable.

I need to implement this into a current SQL process, but do not know how to do this syntactically. thanks.


  • This seems to match your defintion:

       when coalesce(sale3, sale2, sale1) = current_price then 'active'
       else 'nonactive'