I'm trying to get activity tracking enabled using ETW/WAD with Service Fabric and would just like some clarification on what is necessary.
This article & the supplied .docx seem to suggest that all that is necessary is suffixing your function name with Start / Stop and running .net 4.6. I'm doing both of these things but do not seem to be having any joy.
I've also tried using Start / Stop opcodes, but have found the same issues there - the activity Id in WAD is always all 0s and the opcodename field is empty.
Edit - I'm using self describing. Using the manifest style the opcodenames will be populated, but the activityId still will not.
This is answered here: Service Fabric ETW Logs are always incomplete
In summary - WAD & VS diagnostics data viewer do not currently support this. For diagnostics there is a release in the works which will correct it. No ETA for WAD.