I need to tweak this script to Create a batch of local users from a CSV but skipping an already made account. I can create just fine but how to I omit the local accounts that already exist
$computer = $Env:ComputerName
$text = "C:\accounts.csv"
$user = import-csv -path $text
foreach($strUser) in $user)
$user = $struser.user
$password = $struser.password
$description = $struser.description
$group = $struser.group
$ObjOU = [ADSI]"WinNT://$computer"
$objUser = $objOU.Create("User", $user)
$objGroup = [ADSI]"WinNT://$computer/$group"
#setting Variables
$computer = $Env:ComputerName
$text = "C:\ProgramData\Bridge Operators.csv"
$user = import-csv -path $text
foreach($strUser in $user)
$user = $struser.user
$password = $struser.password
$description = $struser.description
$group = $struser.group
##First check if user exists
$objComputer = [ADSI]"WinNT://$computer,computer"
$colUsers = ($objComputer.psbase.children | Where-Object {$_.psBase.schemaClassName -eq "User"} | Select-Object -expand Name)
$userFound = $colUsers -contains $user
if (! $userFound) {
write-host "The $user account did not exist."
write-host "Creating $user"
$ObjOU = [ADSI]"WinNT://$computer"
$objUser = $objOU.Create("User", $user)
$objGroup = [ADSI]"WinNT://$computer/$group"
else {
write-host "$user account exists."
write-host "skipping"