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nginx allow|deny $realip_remote_addr

Using nginx you can allow and deny ranges and ips ( Using the realip module, you can change the ip it uses to the real IP after cloudflare. (

Now here's the thing, I want to blacklist any ip that isn't Cloudflare or localhost. This is proving rather difficult, I've tried putting it before setting the real_ip module setup, and no cigar.

Is this possible at all? It seems like a flaw if the user isn't going through cloudflare, it allows for a lot more abuse towards a certain vhost.

There is the $realip_remote_addr variable, but I can't for the life of me find a way to make the allow/deny use that instead of the normal $remote_addr.

Edit: It's been brought to my attention a firewall can assist in this. Unfortunately I really only need this for a few vhosts.


  • You can do it easily with a geo block

    geo $realip_remote_addr $giveaccess {
          default 0;
          IPBLOCK1 1;
          IPBLOCK2 1;
        server {
           location / {
             if ($giveaccess = 0){
              return 403 "$realip_remote_addr";
              #use it for debug