I have a database that I'm accessing via SQL Management Studio 2014 (SMS2014). There is a field Signature
on my table User
that its a varbinary(max)
I have a folder of PNG images that I'd like to manually add to each record in the User
table to file the Signature
How can I accomplish this? Is there an easy way I can do it using SMS2014 or another way maybe using a query that I run with different values for each record I want to set?
use the below script..
UPDATE Yourtable
SET Signature = BulkColumn from Openrowset( Bulk 'C:\Images\image.PNG', Single_Blob) as UserImage
WHERE userID=@userID --mention the user ID
If you wanted to loop through the images.try something like below. Append the user id's of your User table with the image name (like image1,image2) and so taht we can easily identify which image belongs to which user..
DECLARE @imgString varchar(80)
DECLARE @insertString varchar(3000)
SET @count = 1
WHILE @count< 101 --total count of images
SET @imgString = 'C:\images\Image' + CONVERT(varchar,@count) + '.png'
SET @insertString = N'UPDATE User
SET Signature= BulkColumn
FROM OPENROWSET(BULK N''' + @imgString + ''', SINGLE_BLOB) as UserImage
where userID = @count'
SET @count = @count + 1