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Spring Jersey - java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:

UPDATE: So I just want to point out that before I submitted this question, I attempted the solution that I've seen on similar stackoverflow questions such as this one. It was still giving me runtime errors, so I decided to write this question. mvn dependency:tree is what I was looking for so thanks @dunni. With mvn dependency:tree, I was able to find the actual name of the jersey dependency that was breaking my application and updated the exclusion by changing it from:




This works now.

For the longest time, I've been working on this Spring Jersey REST application using 1 internal company repository. Now, I found out that a library I need to use only exists in a 2nd internal company repository. I updated my .m2 -> settings.xml configuration to add the reference to the new repo like so:

            <mirrorOf>*, !repo2</mirrorOf>


This works. I can see in the System.out that it attempts to download the repo2 exclusive dependency from It fails, then it attempts to download it from and it succeeds. The build continues, and eventually tomcat gets started up on localhost:8080 and everything is fine.

The problem is, whenever I try to access any of my Jersey REST endpoints I've set up, I get the runtime error mentioned in the question title:

ERROR org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Tomcat].[localhost].[/].[] 
- Allocate exception for servlet

I know for a fact that the issue lies somewhere in this new dependency I'm trying to use. When I comment out the dependency in my pom.xml, and re run the application, everything works fine. All REST endpoints are functional. Uncomment the dependency, re-run the application, and try to access my REST endpoints, and I get the above error.

How do I go about finding out why this dependency is breaking my Jersey application at runtime?


  • By Seeing the error I can guess that there are some conflicts in jar files Please check if you have a both a JAX-RS 1 and JAX-RS 2 jar on the classpath. Jersey 2 uses JAX-RS 2 (, but if you have the jsr311-api.jar also, which is JAX-RS 1, there is a in each jar. But the jsr311-api Application doesn't have the method getProperties().