I have an User
Class and I want to create a new Class called UserSettings
The UserSettings
class should be contain the User ID which also should be the ID of itself.
The UserSettings
looks like this:
class UserSettings {
String listDefaultTimePeriod = "today"
User user
static mapping = {
id generator: 'assigned', name: 'user'
user column: 'user_id'
If I start the project I get this Error:
Caused by: org.hibernate.MappingException: Could not determine type for: User, at table: user_settings, for columns: [org.hibernate.mapping.Column(user_id)]
How can I map UserSettings
correctly to use the user_id as primary key?
I think I didn't understand you correctly... (and stumbled now over the same question for a one-to-one association ...)
To have "The UserSettings class should be contain the User ID which also should be the ID of itself." I found the following solution (for a one-to-one association):
class User {
String name
static hasOne = [setting: UserSetting]
static mapping = {
id column: 'user_id'
setting cascade: 'all-delete-orphan'
static constraints = {
setting unique: true
class UserSetting {
static belongsTo = [user: User]
String listDefaultTimePeriod = "today"
static mapping = {
id column: 'user_id', generator: 'foreign', params: [property: 'user']
user insertable: false, updateable: false
The link to the hibernate documentation for the "foreign" generator: hibernate generators
And the link to a blog-post which I found, describing this solution: Grails foreign id generator