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push key value to jsonb field

I added recently a jsonb field to one of my tables

add_column :users, :preferences, :jsonb, null: false, default: '{}'

and I am storing values like this :

user = User.first
user.preferences = { job: "programmer" }

now I would like to push another key-value pair to my jsonb field, I tried this in the console :

user = User.first
user.preferences.merge(twitter_account: "something")

and I get something like

(0.3ms)  COMMIT
=> true 

which normally means it's saved ! but when I check the value of preferences I don't see any added value, even when I exit the console and re-run rails console again, I can see any change

Is that the way to do it or I am wrong ?


  • When you use merge it return hash with added values but to add values to hash you need to use merge!

    I think that right way will be

    user.preferences = user.preferences.merge(twitter_account: "something")