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Unmarshalling json to structure using json.RawMessage

I need to unmarshal json object which may have the following formats:


    "contactType": 2,
    "value": "0123456789"


    "contactType": "MobileNumber",
    "value": "0123456789"

The structure I'm using for unmarshalling is:-

type Contact struct {
    ContactType int    `json:"contactType"` 
    Value       string `json:"value"`

But this works only for format 1. I don't want to change the datatype of ContactType but I want to accommodate the 2nd format as well. I heard about json.RawMarshal and tried using it.

type Contact struct {
    ContactType int
    Value       string          `json:"value"`
    Type        json.RawMessage `json:"contactType"`

type StringContact struct {
    Type string `json:"contactType"`

type IntContact struct {
    Type int `json:"contactType"`

This gets the unmarshalling done, but I'm unable to set the ContactType variable which depends on the type of json.RawMessage. How do I model my structure so that this problem gets solved?


  • You will need to do the unmarshalling yourself. There is a very good article that shows how to use the json.RawMessage right and a number of other solutions to this very problem, Like using interfaces, RawMessage, implemention your own unmarshal and decode functions etc.

    You will find the article here: JSON decoding in GO by Attila Oláh Note: Attila has made a few errors on his code examples.

    I taken the liberty to put together (using some of the code from Attila) a working example using RawMessage to delay the unmarshaling so we can do it on our own version of the Decode func.

    Link to GOLANG Playground

    package main
    import (
    type Record struct {
        AuthorRaw json.RawMessage `json:"author"`
        Title     string          `json:"title"`
        URL       string          `json:"url"`
        Author Author
    type Author struct {
        ID    uint64 `json:"id"`
        Email string `json:"email"`
    func Decode(r io.Reader) (x *Record, err error) {
        x = new(Record)
        if err = json.NewDecoder(r).Decode(x); err != nil {
        if err = json.Unmarshal(x.AuthorRaw, &x.Author); err == nil {
        var s string
        if err = json.Unmarshal(x.AuthorRaw, &s); err == nil {
            x.Author.Email = s
        var n uint64
        if err = json.Unmarshal(x.AuthorRaw, &n); err == nil {
            x.Author.ID = n
    func main() {
        byt_1 := []byte(`{"author": 2,"title": "some things","url": ""}`)
        byt_2 := []byte(`{"author": "Mad Scientist","title": "some things","url": ""}`)
        var dat Record
        if err := json.Unmarshal(byt_1, &dat); err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("%#s\r\n", dat)
        if err := json.Unmarshal(byt_2, &dat); err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("%#s\r\n", dat)

    Hope this helps.