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Towers of Hanoi recursive calls

2   def printMove (to, fr):
3       '''Prints the moves to be executed'''
4       print 'move from ' + str (fr) + ' to ' + str (to)
6   def towers (n, fr, to, sp):
7       if n == 1:            
9       printMove (to, fr)    # 
11      else:
12          towers (n-1, fr, sp, to)  
16          towers (1, fr, to, sp)
17          towers (n - 1, sp, to, fr)
19  towers (3, 'fr', 'to', 'sp')

Please can someone explain why this code completes the recursive call on line 12 with n decrementing to 1, then does another call to n = 2 again and then move to line 16 after? I have been using python tutor and am trying to understand each step and why the algorithm works.


  • First of all, your code is not perfectly alright. Here is the changed towers function for you ->

    def towers (n, fr, to, sp):
        if n == 1:            
            printMove (to, fr)
            towers (n-1, fr, sp, to)
            printMove (to,fr)
            towers (n-1, sp, to, fr)

    And here goes the explanation. Look at the picture ->

    enter image description here

    By calling Movetower(3,a,b,c), you intend to move all the 3 discs from tower A to tower B. So the sequential calls are ->

    1. Movetower(3,a,b,c)  // No Move needed
    2. Movetower(2,a,c,b)  // No move needed
    3. Movetower(1,a,b,c)  // Here is the time to move, move disc1 from a to b
    4. Movetower(2,a,c,b)  // Returning to this call again, this is the time to move disc2 from a to c
    5. Movetower(1,b,c,a)  // Again the time to move, this time disc1 from b to c
    6. Movetower(3,a,b,c)  // Returning to this call again, this is the time to move disc3 from a to b
    7. Movetower(2,c,b,a)  // Not the time to move
    8. Movetower(1,c,a,b)  // Here is the time to move, move disc1 from c to a
    9. Movetower(2,c,b,a)  // Returning to this call again, this is the time to move disc2 from c to b
    10.Movetower(1,c,a,b)  // Here is the time to move, move disc1 from a to b

    Hope it helps :)

    You can also find some good explanations here : Tower of Hanoi: Recursive Algorithm

    For Animation :