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How to change the field value as Red color when end date is less than current date on field?

I want to change the field value as red color when end date is less than current date on field ? I have field name followup_date, If Follow up Date has passed then it should be marked as Red on Grid. The method will create previous date is less than current date, but i have no idea how to write this method? How is this possible? Can anyone help me out? Thanks in Advance...


  • I resolved my problem by this, its working for me now.

    <tree string="Claims" position="attributes">
      <attribute name="colors">red:followup_date &lt; current_date;</attribute>
    <field name="stage_id" position="after">
      <field name="followup_date" invisible="1"/>
      <field name="current_date" invisible="1"/>