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Combining various xml elements into one collection using GML/C#/LINQ

I am attempting to read a GML file in C#. I would like to store all the returned data in one object. So far I have been able to return all the data but in 3 separate objects:

XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(fileName);
XNamespace gml = "";

// Points
var points = doc.Descendants(gml + "Point")
              .Select(e => new
                POSLIST = (string)e.Element(gml + "pos")

// LineString
var lineStrings = doc.Descendants(gml + "LineString")
                  .Select(e => new
                      POSLIST = (string)e.Element(gml + "posList")

// Polygon
var polygons = doc.Descendants(gml + "LinearRing")
               .Select(e => new
                   POSLIST = (string)e.Element(gml + "posList")

I would like to instead of creating 3 separate objects, I would like to create one object as follows:

var all = doc.Descendants(gml + "Point")
          doc.Descendants(gml + "LineString")
          doc.Descendants(gml + "LinearRing")....

But need some help. Thanks before hand.

Sample Data:

<gml:pos>1 2 3</gml:pos>
<gml:posList>1 2 3</gml:posList>
<gml:posList>1 2 3</gml:posList>


  • You can use Concat:

    XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(fileName);
    XNamespace gml = "";
    var all = doc.Descendants(gml + "Point")
                 .Concat(doc.Descendants(gml + "LineString"))
                 .Concat(doc.Descendants(gml + "LinearRing"));

    For getting the values as the inner elements you can do something like this:

    XDocument doc = XDocument.Load("data.xml");
    XNamespace gml = "";
    var all = doc.Descendants(gml + "Point")
                 .Select(e => new { Type = e.Name, Value = (string)e.Element(gml + "pos") })
                 .Concat(doc.Descendants(gml + "LineString")
                            .Select(e => new { Type = e.Name, Value = (string)e.Element(gml + "posList") }))
                 .Concat(doc.Descendants(gml + "LinearRing")
                            .Select(e => new { Type = e.Name, Value = (string)e.Element(gml + "posList") }));