My goal is to run applications on our Hadoop cluster without putting the explicit configuration into each app. Therefore, I am trying to put the configurations of the cluster into ENV variables and propagate them to each node in the cluster.
For example I define:
export HIVE2_JDBC_URL=jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000
to use it like this later on:
beeline -u $HIVE2_JDBC_URL/<db_name> -e "SELECT * FROM <table_name>;"
While this works for this specific use case (in the cli) it has two big drawbacks:
Is there a way to use Ambari to retrieve this settings and can I define my own custom settings that are then available on each node? Is there an approach that works also in Oozie workflows?
You can force "cluster-wide" environment variables via mapred-site.xml
and yarn-site.xml
-- but I'm not 100% sure which properties must be set in the configuration of the ResourceManager service, and/or every NodeManager service, and/or client nodes. And which level overrides (or adds to) which level. You will have to do some research & experimentation.
Look into the documentation for mapred-default.xml
and yarn-default.xml
(e.g. here and here for Hadoop 2.7.0) for properties such as...
[Edit] look also into these properties that have no proper entry in the "default" listings (yet another documentation bug...) and forget about the "mapred.child" stuff
syntax, because shell scripts rely a lot on env. variables<property>
section to define the property just onceUnfortunately the documentation for Oozie (e.g. here for Oozie 4.1) is completely silent about the oozie.launcher.*
properties, you will have to make some research in Stack Overflow -- in that post for example.