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symmetricds sym_outgoing_batch.node_id=-1

There are two batch message in sym_outgoing_batch and one of the node_id is 000 (corp) another is -1 (what's this -1 means?) when I pull many data from store to corp. Part of data is successful to router timely but other is delayed. The message is as follows: enter image description here

and the configuration file is as follows:

insert into sym_channel(channel_id, processing_order, max_batch_size, enabled, description)

    values('sale_channel', 1, 1000000, 1, 'sale data from store to corp');

insert into sym_trigger(trigger_id, source_table_name, channel_id, last_update_time, create_time)

    values('sale_pay_triger', 'D_T_BILL_PAY', 'sale_channel', current_timestamp, current_timestamp);

insert into sym_router(router_id, source_node_group_id, target_node_group_id, router_type,router_expression, create_time, last_update_time)

    values('store_2_corp_sheftnotnull', 'store', 'corp', 'bsh', 'CSHIFT_C!=null && !CSHIFT_C.equals("")',current_timestamp, current_timestamp);

insert into sym_trigger_router(trigger_id, router_id, initial_load_order, last_update_time, create_time)

    values('sale_pay_triger', 'store_2_corp_sheftnotnull', 1, current_timestamp, current_timestamp);


    values('conflict_fallback', 'corp', 'store', 'USE_PK_DATA', 'FALLBACK', 'OFF', current_timestamp, current_timestamp);


  • If you are asking what does a node_id of -1 mean. It means that the data was un-routed. There were no nodes that met the routing condition.