I am using visual studio 2015 to create a localdb project. I want to store web page information including : PageID, Name, Title, Description, and PublicFacing.
Here is what my table looks like
And here is my insert statement
insert into dbo.Page(Name, Title, Description, PublicFacing) VALUES ("index", "My Website | Wholesale Prices", "Wholesale Prices, Products, Items, Gadget service provider. Delivering a management platform to ITSPs and resellers. You can get it all here", 1);
When I try to run this statement, I get the following error :
The identifier that starts with 'Wholesale Prices, Products, Items, Gadget service provider. Delivering a management platform to ITSPs and resellers. You can get it all here' is too long. Maximum length is 128.
I guess why I'm confused is, I dont know why it's calling this the identifier. This is the value going into my database, and it is under the max varchar limit I set in the table. What is causing this?
Use single quotes around your text values!