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shinyTree: view without selecting

Consider the following:

server <- shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {  
  output$tree <- renderTree({ 
    list(  'I lorem impsum'= list( 
      'I.1 lorem impsum'   =  structure(list('I.1.1 lorem impsum'='1', 'I.1.2 lorem impsum'='2'),stselected=TRUE),  
      'I.2 lorem impsum'   =  structure(list('I.2.1 lorem impsum'='3'), stselected=TRUE))) 
ui <- shinyUI(
    h4('Shiny hierarchical checkbox')
    ,shinyTree("tree", checkbox = TRUE)
shinyApp(ui, server)

enter image description here

How can I make this so that by default, none of the above are selected but are still displayed?

If I set both stselected = FALSE in the above code, I get

enter image description here

which is NOT what I want; I would just like the above with the checkboxes deselected.

Links to online references on further documentation with code would be extremely helpful. The package documentation for shinyTree is not helpful.


  • You can do it in such way :

    output$tree <- renderTree({ 
        sss=list(  'I lorem impsum'= list( 
          'I.1 lorem impsum'   =  structure(list('I.1.1 lorem impsum'='1', 'I.1.2 lorem impsum'='2'),stopened=TRUE),  
          'I.2 lorem impsum'   =  structure(list('I.2.1 lorem impsum'='3'), stopened=TRUE)))


    Documentation is realy bad... I find stopened in shinyTree:::getJSON which used in shinyTree:::listToTags