I'm facing a problem developing a Mosquitto
client in php. When I execute my test code through the Terminal
on Ubuntu
the code works very well like this:
root@ip-*********:/var/www/html/pairing/mqtt# php pub.php Mesage published Disconnected cleanly root@ip-***********:/var/www/html/pairing/mqtt#
But when I run this the same code on Browser every time I get the HTTP ERROR 500
Anyone know what can be this problem? I just ajust the permissions through chmod
but it does not work yet.
Here is the code:
$client = new Mosquitto\Client(); $client->onConnect('connect'); $client->onDisconnect('disconnect'); $client->onPublish('publish'); $client->connect("test.mosquitto.org", 1883, 5);
while (true) {
$mid = $client->publish('/mqtt', "Hello from PHP");
}catch(Mosquitto\Exception $e){
sleep(2); }
$client->disconnect(); unset($client);
function connect($r) {
echo "I got code {$r}\n"; }
function publish() {
global $client;
echo "Mesage published\n";
$client->disconnect(); }
function disconnect() {
echo "Disconnected cleanly\n"; }
Thanks a lot!
I'm assuming you are using Apache as web server, if so check whether mosquitto module is enabled using else properly set enable it in /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini