In my software, I have some various values which use property delegation.
This is a simple similar example showing what I do:
class ExampleDelegate<T>(val value: T) {
operator fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>) = value
val example by ExampleDelegate(1000) // number larger than 127 (no box cache)
What I've noticed, however, is that referring to this value seems to create an autoboxed object (java.lang.Integer
) on EVERY reference. Because the value must be referenced potentially millions or times per second, this results in massive garbage creation for my software; heavy stress is put on the garbage collector.
Is there a way to avoid the overhead? If not directly, are there any clever ways to "emulate" property delegation that are performant?
Submitted a bug report on YouTrack:
As discussed in the bug report, your app generates garbage because your property delegate is generic, and therefore requires boxing of values. If you use a non-generic property delegate with a primitive type, no boxing happens.