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How to compare values from Array references in perl?

#!/usr/bin/perl -C0
use strict;
use warnings;   
use DBI;

sub agg_verification
my ($list,$tblname,$values);
my $res1=undef;
my $res2=undef;

    #First DB Connection******
    my $connstr = "ENG=xxx;CommLinks=tcpip{port=xxx};UID=xxx;PWD=xxx";
    my $dbh = DBI->connect( "DBI:SQLAnywhere:$connstr", '', '', {AutoCommit => 0} ) or warn $DBI::errstr;
    my $stmt="select col1||':'||col3 as a, col2||'('||col3||')' as b from table where col1 like '%xxxx:((15))%'"; #making 'a' as primary key for fetchall_hashref() later.
    my $sth=$dbh->prepare($stmt) or warn $DBI::errstr;
    $sth->execute() or warn $DBI::errstr;

    #Second DB Connection******
    my $connstr1 = "ENG=xxx;CommLinks=tcpip{port=xxx};UID=xxx;PWD=xxx";
    my $dbh1 = DBI->connect( "DBI:SQLAnywhere:$connstr1", '', '', {AutoCommit => 0} ) or warn $DBI::errstr;
    my ($sth1,$stmt1,$stmt2);
    #creating, opening and writing the result in a file 
       open my $fh, '+>>', "/eniq/home/dcuser/output.txt" or warn "Cannot open output.txt: $!";

       my $res = $sth->fetchall_hashref('a');

       foreach my $key(sort keys %$res) {
            my @col1 = $res->{$key}->{'a'};
                foreach my $item(@$list)
                        my @values=${$res}{$item}->{'b'};
                        my @tblname=$item=~ m/[(\w*)(\:)](DC\w*)/; #trimming table name
                        $tblname =\@tblname;
                        #print $fh "TABLENAME :@$tblname\n";

                            foreach my $raw(@$tblname) #Extracting _RAW data*********************
                                $stmt1 = "select @$values from $raw";
                                $stmt2 = "";
                                $sth1=$dbh1->prepare($stmt1) or warn $DBI::errstr;
                                $sth1->execute() or warn $DBI::errstr;
                                my $max_rows1 = 5_000;
                                $res1 = $sth1->fetchall_arrayref(undef,$max_rows1);

                            foreach my $day(@$tblname) #Extracting _DAY DATA******************** 
                                $day  =~ s/(\_RAW)//;
                                $day .="_DAY";
                                $stmt2 = "select @$values from $day";
                                $sth1=$dbh1->prepare($stmt2) or warn $DBI::errstr;
                                $sth1->execute() or warn $DBI::errstr;
                                my $max_rows = 5_000;
                                $res2 = $sth1->fetchall_arrayref(undef,$max_rows);                              

                                if(@$res1 == @$res2)
                                    print $fh "PASS at @$values\n";
                                    print $fh "FAIL at @$values\n";

    close $fh or warn "Couldn't close file properly";

Guys, i want to compare the numerical values coming in $res1 and $res2 but i am not getting the result on which it is passing or failing. My output is all "pass" irrespective of the changes. Please suggest how can i compare values from array references in my code above without using external CPAN library as i don't have permissions to update or add libraries.


  • My output is all "pass" irrespective of the changes

    That is because of the below condition, which is just comparing the number of elements in both de-referenced arrays.

    if(@$res1 == @$res2)

    If you want to compare the content of both array references (which are numerical as per your question) then you can do

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use Test::More 'no_plan';
    my $res1 = [5,8,10,12];
    my $res2 = [5,8,10,12];
    is_deeply( $res1, $res2, 'Compare arrayref' );

    Output for above case:

    chankey@pathak:~/Desktop$ perl 
    ok 1 - Compare arrayref

    If they are unequal like:

    my $res1 = [5,8,10,12];
    my $res2 = [3,8,10,12];

    Then you will get below detailed output where you can easily check which value was unequal

    chankey@pathak:~/Desktop$ perl 
    not ok 1 - Compare arrayref
    #   Failed test 'Compare arrayref'
    #   at line 7.
    #     Structures begin differing at:
    #          $got->[0] = '5'
    #     $expected->[0] = '3'
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

    I showed you one method on how to compare 2 arrayrefs, you might want to see other methods answered in below questions (just make sure you de-reference your arrays first then do the comparison):

    Solution without using any module

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    my $res1 = [5,8,10,12];
    my $res2 = [3,8,10,12];
    foreach my $index (0..$#{$res1}){
        if ($res1->[$index] == $res2->[$index]){
            print "Index: $index, Equal: YES";
            print "Index: $index, Equal: NO";
            print " [Expected: $res1->[$index], GOT: $res2->[$index]]";
        print "\n";


    chankey@pathak:~/Desktop$ perl 
    Index: 0, Equal: NO [Expected: 5, GOT: 3]
    Index: 1, Equal: YES
    Index: 2, Equal: YES
    Index: 3, Equal: YES

    As per the discussion on chat:

    Since there are arrayrefs at each index of $res1 and $res2. Therefore you should use something like below:

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    my $res1 = [[5],[4],[3],[2]];
    my $res2 = [[5],[4],[3],[1]];
    foreach my $index (0..$#{$res1}){
        foreach my $inner_index (0..$#{$res1->[$index]}){
            if ($res1->[$index]->[$inner_index] == $res2->[$index]->[$inner_index]){
                print "Equal!! expected: $res1->[$index]->[$inner_index] got: $res2->[$index]->[$inner_index]\n" ;
                print "Not Equal!! expected: $res1->[$index]->[$inner_index] got: $res2->[$index]->[$inner_index]\n" 