Hi I have a dynamic fields like this
<tr ng-repeat="category in staff_categories">
<td>{{ category.name }}</td>
<td><input type="text" ng-model="category.permanent"></td>
<td><input type="text" ng-model="category.temp"></td>
It is working fine as expected. It iterate according to staff_categories. Now I want the grand total of category.permanent and category.temp value entered by user and put it in the textbox. Please help
Total permanent:<input type="text">
Total Temp:<input type="text">
Make a function in the controller that will be called and update a scope variable containing total of these values.
<tr ng-repeat="category in staff_categories">
<td>{{ category.name }}</td>
<td><input type="text" ng-model="category.permanent" ng-change="updatePermanentTotal()"></td>
<td><input type="text" ng-model="category.temp" ng-change="updateTemp()"></td>
Controller Code
$scope.permanentTotal = 0.0;
$scope.tempTotal = 0.0;
$scope.updatePermanentTotal = function(){
$scope.permanentTotal = 0.0;
angular.forEach($scope.staff_categories, function(value, key){
$scope.tempTotal = $scope.tempTotal + parseInt(value.temp);
$scope.updateTemp = function(){
$scope.tempTotal = 0.0;
angular.forEach($scope.staff_categories, function(value, key){
$scope.tempTotal = $scope.tempTotal + parseInt(value.temp);
And bind those two total variables to two inputs like this.
Total permanent:<input type="text" ng-model="permanentTotal">
Total Temp:<input type="text" ng-model="tempTotal">