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Comparison between vs vs

Does anyone know the specific differences and features among the three, Or if one has more features/more flexible to use as a developer?


  • vs Dialogflow vs

    ║                             vs vs                                                 ║
    ║ S.No ║                    ║                 ║                   ║
    ║ 1    ║ API is completely free      ║ Has a paid enterprise option         ║ LUIS is in beta and free to use    ║
    ║      ║ with no limitations on             ║ which allows for this to be run on a        ║ 10K transactions per month         ║
    ║      ║ request rates.                     ║ private cloud internally and more           ║ and up to 5 requests per second    ║
    ║      ║                                    ║ from their services team., After google     ║ for each account.                  ║
    ║      ║                                    ║ acquisition they are providing free         ║                                    ║
    ║      ║                                    ║ services by integrating google cloud        ║                                    ║
    ║      ║                                    ║ services.                                   ║                                    ║
    ║ 2    ║ Provides a nice combination        ║ Speech to Text and Text to Speech           ║ LUIS uses machine learning         ║
    ║      ║ of both voice recognition and      ║ capabilities, along with machine            ║ based methods to analyze           ║
    ║      ║ machine learning for developers.   ║ learning.                                   ║ sentences. To perform machine      ║
    ║      ║                                    ║                                             ║ learning, LUIS breaks an           ║
    ║      ║                                    ║                                             ║ utterance into "tokens".           ║
    ║ 3    ║ Has two main elements to it        ║ Support of Intents, Entities, actions       ║ Supports Intents, Entities         ║
    ║      ║ that you set up within your        ║ and one key focus area is its “Domains”.    ║ and actions.                       ║
    ║      ║ app – intents and entities.        ║                                             ║                                    ║
    ║      ║ Actions are separated to           ║                                             ║                                    ║
    ║      ║ use as a combined operations.      ║                                             ║                                    ║
    ║ 4    ║ Has pre-build entities like        ║ Has pre-build entities like,      ║ Has pre-build entities             ║
    ║      ║ temperature, number, URLs,         ║ @sys.color, @sys.unit-currency… etc.        ║ builtin.intent.alarm,              ║
    ║      ║ emails, duration… etc.             ║                                             ║ builtin.intent.calendar,           ║
    ║      ║                                    ║                                             ║… etc.         ║
    ║ 5    ║ Doesn’t have integration module    ║ Has integration module to connect           ║ Has integration to Microsoft       ║
    ║      ║ to directly communicating with     ║ directly to Facebook messenger and          ║ Azure and other services, can be   ║
    ║      ║ Facebook messenger or other        ║ other messenger api’s. Has support for      ║ deployable in any supported        ║
    ║      ║ messenger APIs. but has web        ║ deploying in to heroku server, enterprise   ║ servers.                           ║
    ║      ║ service api to hook services.      ║ paid environment.                           ║                                    ║
    ║ 6    ║ Early in 2015, joined Facebook     ║ Created by a team who built personal        ║ LUIS was introduced together with  ║
    ║      ║ and opened up the entire platform  ║ assistant app for major mobile platforms    ║ Microsoft Bot Framework and Skype  ║
    ║      ║ to be free for both public and     ║ with speech and text enabled conversations. ║ Developer Platform which can be    ║
    ║      ║ private instances.                 ║ acquired by google (sept 2016).             ║ used to create Skype Bots.         ║
    ║ 7    ║ API for developers of iOS,  ║ has SDKs for Android, iOS,           ║ LUIS allow building applications   ║
    ║      ║ Android, Node.js, Raspberry Pi,    ║ the Apple Watch, Node.js, Cordova,          ║ by using the LUIS web interface.   ║
    ║      ║ Ruby, Python, C, Rust and          ║ Unity, C#, Xamarin, Windows Phone,          ║ No coding needed other than the    ║
    ║      ║ Windows Phone. It even             ║ Python and JavaScript. It also can be       ║ ability to interpret and use the   ║
    ║      ║ has a JavaScript plugin for        ║ integrated with Amazon’s Echo and           ║ returned JSON in application.      ║
    ║      ║ front end developers.              ║ Microsoft’s Cortana.                        ║ It is also possible to use the     ║
    ║      ║                                    ║                                             ║ LUIS REST API for                  ║
    ║      ║                                    ║                                             ║ automation of applications.        ║

    Update: API.AI is now Dialogflow. Learn more here.