So I am reading values from an excel and storing inside a list. But by default, it stored strings as unicode strings and numbers as floats. I want to convert unicode strings into normal strings and float to integer. How do I do that?
Here's my list:
import xlrd
wb = xlrd.open_workbook("test.xlsx")
firstsheet = wb.sheet_by_index(0)
rows =1
rowvalues = []
while(rows <= (firstsheet.nrows)-1):
print rowvalues
[121090999.0, 3454554455.0, u'Shantharam', 121090999.0, 5645.0, u'Puranik']
What I need:
[ 121090999, 3454554455, 'Shantharam', 121090999, 5645, 'Puranik' ]
You can use isinstance to check the type of the variable
rows = [121090999.0, 3454554455.0, u'Shantharam', 121090999.0, 5645.0, u'Puranik']
def convert_rows(rows):
for kk,vv in enumerate(rows):
if isinstance(vv,float):
rows[kk] = int(vv)
if isinstance(vv,unicode):
rows[kk] = vv.encode('ascii')
return rows
print( convert_rows(rows) )
# prints [121090999, 3454554455L, 'Shantharam', 121090999, 5645, 'Puranik']