I revised this post to reflect the changes made as per the recommendation of a response.
I would like to run a few lines of adb commands in one batch file.
cd C:\Users\James\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\platform-tools
adb kill-server
adb start-server
timeout 5
echo Find the IP of the FireStick; Go to Settings, System, About, Network
set /p IPInput = Enter the IP address:
adb connect %IPInput%
::Error after this line, I am told "error: device '(null)' not found"
adb install "C:\Users\James\Desktop\Kodi on FIreStick\kodi-16.1-Jarvis-armeabi-v7a.apk"
adb install "C:\Users\James\Desktop\Kodi on FIreStick\ace-stream-media-beta-3-1-6-0-apkplz.com.apk"
adb install "C:\Users\James\Desktop\Kodi on FIreStick\Emulators\NES\com.androidemu.nes_61.apk"
adb install "C:\Users\James\Desktop\Kodi on FIreStick\Emulators\SNES\snes9x-ex-1-5-28-en-android.apk"
adb push C:\00_kodi_userdata /sdcard/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/userdata/
adb push C:\00_kodi_addons /sdcard/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/
adb push "C:\00_kodi_downloads" /sdcard/Download
The problem I am facing is the following error: "error: device '(null)' not found"
I know the IP Address is correct that I entered. In fact, I can access the FireStick easily by entering the command in a separate command prompt.
I.e. adb connect
Why would it not work here?
Even if I mod the script to the following:
echo Find the IP of the FireStick; Go to Settings, System, About, Network
set /p IPInput = Enter the last three values of the IP address:
adb connect 192.168.0.%IPInput%
I get an error showing that the IPInput was not used in setting the IP Address. The output just shows:
What gives?
To those who stumble upon this.
The command:
set /p IPInput = Enter the IP address:
Must not contain spaces before/after the equal sign. It will be as follows:
set /p IPInput=Enter the IP address:
You can then use the command:
adb connect %IPInput%:5555
To connect to your FireStick
The top half of my code that will connect to the FireStick (provided adb and its constituents are in your path) is as follows:
cd %~d0\FireStickAutomation
adb kill-server
adb start-server
timeout 5
@echo off
echo .. READ ME ..
echo Find the IP of the FireStick; Go to Settings, System, About, Network
echo Make note of the entire string
set /p IPInput=Enter the IP address including the dots:
adb connect %IPInput%:5555