The fuser
command lets me know which processes are using a file or directory.
I'm looking for command that does the opposite: lets me know which files are being used by a process.
Forgot to mention that it's for a Solaris system.
While I wouldn't begrudge anyone learning Dtrace or gaining experience installing software, in Solaris there is a command to see the files a process has open: /usr/bin/pfiles
% tail -f /etc/motd &
[1] 6033
% pfiles 6033
6033: tail -f /etc/motd
Current rlimit: 256 file descriptors
0: S_IFREG mode:0644 dev:182,65538 ino:163065 uid:0 gid:3 size:54
1: S_IFCHR mode:0620 dev:299,0 ino:718837882 uid:101 gid:7 rdev:24,3
2: S_IFCHR mode:0620 dev:299,0 ino:718837882 uid:101 gid:7 rdev:24,3