I got two people in the same conference room #1, then I moved only one person to another conference #2, but kept the conference room #1 alive.
I was expecting that Twilio plays the hold music for the person left alone in the conference #1 until the other person goes back from #2 to #1, but since the conference was already started, there was only silence.
How can I make Twilio play the hold music when someone is left alone in the conference room, even though the conference was already started?
I saw the new participant hold feature, tried to use it instead but no luck as well. See here: https://github.com/twilio/twilio-php/issues/368
I found a participant hold feature which does exactly what I want, without having to move an user to another conference. It had a bug (per my update above), but it was fixed. So the solution would be to update the participant with Hold => true
->update(['Hold' => 'true']);
Moving him to a new conference as suggested here should solve this as well.
I ran into this issue a while back and was suggested by the twilio support team to transfer the remaining caller to a new empty conference room and this will trigger the hold music. They said you can't play hold music again after the conference room has started.