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How to add assetbundle js/css add only in one page in yii2?

I have added fullcalendar js/css in vendor/bower folder. I want to add this into just one page.

I read abt AssestBundle on this link -

But this add in all the pages.


  • In Yii 2 framework asset bundles is recommended way of working with js / css. It's not limited to just adding to all pages. You can use it only in specific view.

    Example of asset bundle for JsTree plugin:

    namespace backend\assets;
    use yii\web\AssetBundle;
    class JsTreeAsset extends AssetBundle
        public $sourcePath = '@bower_components/jstree/dist';
        public $js = [
        public $css = [
        public $depends = [

    In this example, @bower_components alias is used, in order to get it working you also need to register it in application bootstrap file (in advanced application template this file is common/config/bootstrap.php):

    Yii::setAlias('bower_components', dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . '/bower_components');

    Then, in view where you need to use it, call register() method of this asset bundle and pass current view:

    use backend\assets\JsTreeAsset;

    The files in default asset bundle (AppAsset) which included in application templates are loaded in every view because it's registered in application layout and layout is applied to all views.