Suppose a function defined like this:
def composition(text : String, k : Int32) : Array(String)
kmers = Array(String).new
(0 .. text.size - k).each do |i|
kmers << text[i, k]
yield text[i, k]
return kmers
How do I check if the block argument is given inside the function? If the block argument is given, kmers will be yielded. If not given, kmers will be returned as an array of strings.
Such a check is impossible, because a method accepting a block (using yield
anywhere) already has a signature requiring it. But that also means that you don't need the check. If you want to make it optional, just make 2 methods like this:
# if you want to be explicit (makes no difference, this method requires a block):
# def composition(text : String, k : Int32, &block)
def composition(text : String, k : Int32)
(0 .. text.size - k).each do |i|
yield text[i, k]
# and the non block option
def composition(text : String, k : Int32) : Array(String)
kmers = [] of String
composition(text, k) do |s|
kmers << s
return kmers