I'm trying to listen to websocket traffic using the cap module with Node.js (4.5.0) on Windows 7. I am able to parse/decode the payload that is being captured but part of it is cut off when the payload is over a certain length.
I'm using this example to decode the websocket frame (wsDecoded function) and I think the problem is that the response I'm getting from the cap module is returning the entire response in a single buffer, but this example (and some of the other websocket library's I've looked at) seem to expect to process multiple frames when the payload is over a certain size.
I've tried taking the buffer from and breaking it apart into smaller pieces but when I do that the payload just looks like random garbage.
var Cap = require('cap').Cap;
var decoders = require('cap').decoders;
var PROTOCOL = decoders.PROTOCOL;
var c = new Cap();
var device = Cap.findDevice(LOCAL_IP);
var filter = 'port 8088';
var bufSize = 10 * 1024 * 1024;
var buffer = new Buffer(65535);
var linkType = c.open(device, filter, bufSize, buffer);
c.setMinBytes && c.setMinBytes(0);
c.on('packet', function(nbytes, trunc) {
if (linkType === 'ETHERNET') {
var ret = decoders.Ethernet(buffer);
if (ret.info.type === PROTOCOL.ETHERNET.IPV4) {
ret = decoders.IPV4(buffer, ret.offset);
if (ret.info.protocol === PROTOCOL.IP.TCP) {
var datalen = ret.info.totallen - ret.hdrlen;
ret = decoders.TCP(buffer, ret.offset);
datalen -= ret.hdrlen;
var payload = wsDecoded(buffer, ret.offset, ret.offset + datalen);
function wsDecoded (data, start, end) {
var message = data.slice(start, end);
var FIN = (message[0] & 0x80);
var RSV1 = (message[0] & 0x40);
var RSV2 = (message[0] & 0x20);
var RSV3 = (message[0] & 0x10);
var Opcode = message[0] & 0x0F;
var mask = (message[1] & 0x80);
var length = (message[1] & 0x7F);
var nextByte = 2;
if (length === 126) {
// length = next 2 bytes
nextByte += 2;
} else if (length === 127){
// length = next 8 bytes
nextByte += 8;
var maskingKey = null;
if (mask){
maskingKey = message.slice(nextByte, nextByte + 4);
nextByte += 4;
var payload = message.slice(nextByte, nextByte + length);
if (maskingKey){
for (var i = 0; i < payload.length; i++){
payload[i] = payload[i] ^ maskingKey[i % 4];
return payload;
Example result that is not cut off:
{"Command":"FoldCards","Table":"Ring Game #02","Type":"R","Ghost":"No"}
Example result that is cut off:
{"Command":"Buttons","Table":"Ring Game #02","Type":"R","Button1":"","Button2":"Ready","Button3":"","Preflop":"No","Call":0,"M
Payload from on('packet') callback when using buffer.toString('binary', ret.offset, datalen). This is very close to what I need but it does not unmask the payload and leaves some random characters in (which I think are the start and stop of the frame but not 100% sure about that)
?'{"Command":"TablesSitting","Tables":[]}?'{"Command":"TablesWaiting","Tables":[]}?~☺({"Command":"RingGameLobby","Clear":"Yes","Count":2,"ID":["Ring Game #01","Ring Game #02"],"Game":["NL Hold'em","NL Hold'em"],"GameIndex":[2,2],"Seats":[10,10],"StakesLo":[10,10],"StakesHi":[20,20],"BuyinMin":[400,400],"BuyinMax":[2000,2000],"Players":[0,0],"Waiting":[0,0],"Password":["No","No"]}?~☺{"Command":"TournamentLobby","Clear":"Yes","Count":0,"ID":[],"SnG":[],"Shootout":[],"Game":[],"GameIndex":[],"Buyin":[],"EntryFee":[],"Rebuy":[],"TS":[],"PreReg":[],"Reg":[],"Max":[],"Starts":[],"StartMin":[],"StartTime":[],"Running":[],"Tables":[],"Password":[]}?~ ?{"Command":"Logins","Clear":"Yes","Total":1,"Player":["harrythree"],"Name":[""],"Location":["Greenville"],"Login":["2016-08-27 13:26:45"]}
You are getting truncated message becasue you didn't read payloadLength correctly. Take a look:
var length = (message[1] & 0x7F);
var nextByte = 2;
if (length === 126) {
// in this case next 2 bytes store lengths. you have to read ones from the buffer
nextByte += 2;
} else if (length === 127){
// in this case next 8 bytes store lengths. you have to read ones from the buffer
nextByte += 8;
When message size is more than 125 bytes, you have to read correct payloadLength by using next 2 or 8 bytes like RFC says. In your case, you just skip these bytes, so that your "length" is always <= 127 and as result the following line produces truncated payload data:
var payload = message.slice(nextByte, nextByte + length);
always <= 127
I slightly modified your code to debug the problem. This is an example of the implementation I am talking about:
var Cap = require('cap').Cap;
var decoders = require('cap').decoders;
var PROTOCOL = decoders.PROTOCOL;
var c = new Cap();
var device = Cap.findDevice('');
var filter = 'port 3001';
var bufSize = 10 * 1024 * 1024;
var buffer = new Buffer(bufSize);
var linkType = c.open(device, filter, bufSize, buffer);
c.setMinBytes && c.setMinBytes(0);
c.on('packet', function(nbytes, trunc) {
console.log('************ packet: length ' + nbytes + ' bytes, truncated? '
+ (trunc ? 'yes' : 'no'));
if (linkType === 'ETHERNET') {
var ret = decoders.Ethernet(buffer);
if (ret.info.type === PROTOCOL.ETHERNET.IPV4) {
ret = decoders.IPV4(buffer, ret.offset);
if (ret.info.protocol === PROTOCOL.IP.TCP) {
var datalen = ret.info.totallen - ret.hdrlen;
ret = decoders.TCP(buffer, ret.offset);
datalen -= ret.hdrlen;
console.log('from: ' + ret.info.srcport + ' to ' + ret.info.dstport);
console.log("Data len: " + datalen);
var payload = wsDecoded(buffer, ret.offset, ret.offset + datalen);
if (payload) {
console.log("MSG:" + payload.toString());
} else {
console.log("Invalid message");
function wsDecoded (data, start, end) {
var message = data.slice(start, end);
var index = 0;
var FIN = (message[index] & 0x80);
var RSV1 = (message[index] & 0x40);
var RSV2 = (message[index] & 0x20);
var RSV3 = (message[index] & 0x10);
var Opcode = message[index] & 0x0F;
var masked = (message[index] & 0x80);
var payloadLength = message[index] & (~0x80);
if (payloadLength === 126){
// length = next 2 bytes
payloadLength = message.readUInt16BE(index);
} else if (payloadLength === 127) {
// read uint64
throw new Error("Implement me");
console.log("Opcode: " + Opcode + ", fin: " + FIN + ", masked: " + masked);
var maskingKey = null;
if (masked){
maskingKey = message.slice(index, index + 4);
index += 4;
console.log("Payload length: " + payloadLength);
var payload = message.slice(index, index + payloadLength);
if (payload.length != payloadLength) {
console.warn("Length mismatch");
return false;
if (maskingKey){
for (var i = 0; i < payload.length; i++){
payload[i] = payload[i] ^ maskingKey[i % 4];
return payload;