We've made the jump from TFVC to Git within TFS, and it's working really well - however the only thing I can't quite figure out is how you can see ALL differences between two specific commits?
(entire repo as of commit X - DIFFED AGAINST - entire repo as of commit Y)
In TFVC land, you could simply compare an entire changeset against a previous changeset, in a nice list with one set of files on the left, one on the right, different files marked in red - and you can click into an individual file to view the diff.
This was awesome to get a feel for how an application worked at one point in time compared to now.
The thing is, I can't seem to find this functionality baked in anywhere, or in any third-party (free) tools! I can see the code that changed per commit but this is no way near an effective view than what we are used to as a department, and some people are bemoaning the switch (despite all the positives).
Turns out SourceTree (Atlassian) offers this functionality, you can click one commit and right-click another and it shows the differences between those two :)