Search code examples

Return result after the event is fired in Laravel 5.2

My original code is below

   Create the Role

$result = (new RoleDb())->Create($obj);

if($result["Success"]) {

    | Get all Modules 

    $Permissions = $this->Module->All($obj->RoleID);
    $list = [];

    | Prepare the list that will be assigned to Newly created role.

    foreach($Permissions["Data"] as $Permission) {
        $RolePermissionOM = new RolePermissionOM();
        $RolePermissionOM->PermissionID             = $Permission->PermissionID;
        $RolePermissionOM->IsActive                 = $Permission->DefaultPermission;
        $RolePermissionOM->RoleID                   = $result["Data"];
        array_push($list, $RolePermissionOM);

    | Create default permissions for above created role.

    return $this->RolePermission->CreateDefaultPermissions($list, $result["Data"]);

Now, in my application, there are 3 more points where role is being created and instead of code duplication, I though to convert this code into event. SO whenever a role is being created, an Event is being fired to create the permission records for that role.I wrote the below code.

Event::fire(new RoleCreationEvent($result));
// `$result` contains the newly created RoleID.

Question : In my original code, I was able to get the result to check if the permissions are saved correctly or not. How will I do that in case of firing the Event ?

Event Code

class RolePermissionEvent extends Event
    use SerializesModels;

    public function __construct($RoleID, $Module, $RolePermission)

        $Permissions = $Module->All($RoleID);
        $list = [];

        foreach($Permissions["Data"] as $Permission) {
            $RolePermissionOM = new RolePermissionOM();
            $RolePermissionOM->PermissionID = $Permission->PermissionID;
            $RolePermissionOM->RoleID       = $RoleID;
            array_push($list, $RolePermissionOM);

        return $RolePermission->CreateDefaultPermissions($list, $RoleID);


    1. Create a listener like it described here
    2. Move all your code from constructor to the listener.
    3. Pass an even to the listener that allows it to use event data.
    4. Return 'return $RolePermission->CreateDefaultPermissions($list, $RoleID);' from listener.