I have the following metatags set
og:title Supercompany
og:url https://xxxxx/Business/Grumble/?id=xxxxxxxxxxxxx
og:image https://xxxxxxx/Content/Images/logo4fb.png?23122014
og:type xxxxxx:organization
og:hashtags #xxx #xrfgg #sdsv #vdsdg #vdvdvd
og:description aaaa | cghydgdegezhztt
When I share the above, only the description shows up. How do I get the hashtags to show?
I am using the below to share to FB.
method: 'share',
href: linkToShare,
action_type: 'xxxxxx:yyy',
action_properties: JSON.stringify({
organization: linkToShare
I couldn't solve this with share, so I ended up concatenating the hashtags with the description and sharing with feed instead of share.
method: 'feed',
link: linkToShare,
description: hashtags
hashtags = description + " " + hashtags