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Truncate a string in mako template

I'd like to find a way to get a title to truncate if too long, like this:

'this is a title'
'this is a very long title that ...'

Is there a way to print a string in mako, and automatically truncate with "..." if greater than a certain number of characters?



  • Basic python solution:

    MAXLEN = 15
    def title_limit(title, limit):
        if len(title) > limit:
            title = title[:limit-3] + "..."
        return title
    blah = "blah blah blah blah blah"
    title_limit(blah) # returns 'blah blah bla...'

    This only cuts on spaces (if possible)

    def find_rev(str,target,start):
        str = str[::-1]
        index = str.find(target,len(str) - start)
        if index != -1:
            index = len(str) - index
        return index
    def title_limit(title, limit):
        if len(title) <= limit: return title
        cut = find_rev(title, ' ', limit - 3 + 1)
        if cut != -1:
            title = title[:cut-1] + "..."
            title = title[:limit-3] + "..."
        return title
    print title_limit('The many Adventures of Bob', 10) # The...
    print title_limit('The many Adventures of Bob', 20) # The many...
    print title_limit('The many Adventures of Bob', 30) # The many Adventures of Bob