I am looking to do something like this. I remember I had some issues with values disappearing when programming like this. Is this type of structure "correct/valid" for a hash?
my %VAR;
$VAR{SCALAR} = "test scalar";
$VAR{ARRAY}[0] = "test array";
$VAR{HASH}{NAME}[0] = "test hash array 1";
$VAR{HASH}{NAME}[1] = "test hash array 2";
$VAR{HASH}{NAME}[2]{SOMEHASH} = "test hash array hash 1";
$VAR{HASH}{NAME}[2]{ANOTHERHASH} = "test hash array hash 2";
I see no reason why this wouldn't work. What issues are you seeing?
If you want to make sure your data structure looks like what you'd expect, I recommend something like Data::Dumper
# set up your %VAR hash as you like
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper(\%VAR);
Should get something like:
$VAR1 = {
'HASH' => {
'NAME' => [
'test hash array 1',
'test hash array 2',
'ANOTHERHASH' => 'test hash array hash 2',
'SOMEHASH' => 'test hash array hash 1'
'ARRAY' => [
'test array'
'SCALAR' => 'test scalar'