I write a little snippet of usual code but found that my code don't return hex data from server with this line of code:
let currentData = try! Data(contentsOf: fullURL!)
print("currentData=", currentData)
And the output:
currentData= 24419 bytes
I tried to use Leo's comment link:
I got something hex data without spaces, and validator (http://jsonprettyprint.com) can't recognise it and returns null.
Let's try to sort out the different issues here and summarize the above comments.
The description
of Data
prints only a short summary "NNN bytes", and not a hex dump
as NSData
let o = ["foo": "bar"]
let jsonData = try! JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: o)
print(jsonData) // 13 bytes
You can get a hex dump by bridging to NSData
print(jsonData as NSData) // <7b22666f 6f223a22 62617222 7d>
or by writing an extension method for Data
(How to convert Data to hex string in swift).
But that is actually not the real problem. The JSON validator needs the JSON as a string, not as a hex dump (source):
print(String(data: jsonData, encoding: .utf8)!) // {"foo":"bar"}
And to de-serialize the JSON data into an object you would need none of the above and just call
let obj = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: jsonData)