Solr's documentation for DataImportHandler gives this table for the entity query attributes.
That's not extremely descriptive. Can someone express here the difference and interaction between these query attributes? I have seen some code use deltaQuery and parentDeltaQuery to support nested entities, and I have seen others use deltaQuery and deltaImportQuery.
What is the purpose of choosing one of those over the other?
I see it now in the Solr Wiki:
* The query gives the data needed to populate fields of the Solr document in full-import
* The deltaImportQuery gives the data needed to populate fields when running a delta-import
* The deltaQuery gives the primary keys of the current entity which have changes since the last index time
* The parentDeltaQuery uses the changed rows of the current table (fetched with deltaQuery) to give the changed rows in the parent table. This is necessary because whenever a row in the child table changes, we need to re-generate the document which has that field.
I missed this explanation on the first pass, and expected that information to show up in the table I posted. Strangely enough, Solr In Action spent less than 1 page of 600 explaining how to use DataImportHandler to read a database.