the size of caption and the round indicators, of carousel, when i tight the window of chrome are the same in mobile and in fullscreen. it's possible to become smaller when i am in mobile?
thanks for the attention and excuse me for the bad english!
You can use media queries to specify another values for CSS properties:
For example:
@import url('');
@media (max-width: 767px) {
.carousel-caption h1 { /* Header */
font-size: 20px;
.carousel-caption p { /* Paragraph */
font-size: 12px;
.carousel-indicators li { /* Indicators */
width: 8px;
height: 8px;
.carousel-indicators .active { /* Active indicator */
width: 10px;
height: 10px;
@media (max-width: 480px) {
.carousel-caption h1 { /* Header */
font-size: 16px;
.carousel-caption p { /* Paragraph */
font-size: 10px;
.carousel-indicators li { /* Indicators */
width: 6px;
height: 6px;
.carousel-indicators .active { /* Active indicator */
width: 8px;
height: 8px;
.carousel img {
width: 100%;
<div id="carousel-example-generic" class="carousel slide" data-ride="carousel">
<!-- Indicators -->
<ol class="carousel-indicators">
<li data-target="#carousel-example-generic" data-slide-to="0" class="active"></li>
<li data-target="#carousel-example-generic" data-slide-to="1"></li>
<li data-target="#carousel-example-generic" data-slide-to="2"></li>
<!-- Wrapper for slides -->
<div class="carousel-inner" role="listbox">
<div class="item active">
<img src="//" alt="">
<div class="carousel-caption">
<div class="item">
<img src="//" alt="">
<div class="carousel-caption">
<div class="item">
<img src="//" alt="">
<div class="carousel-caption">
<!-- Controls -->
<a class="left carousel-control" href="#carousel-example-generic" role="button" data-slide="prev">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left" aria-hidden="true"></span>
<span class="sr-only">Previous</span>
<a class="right carousel-control" href="#carousel-example-generic" role="button" data-slide="next">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right" aria-hidden="true"></span>
<span class="sr-only">Next</span>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>