I am trying to deploy an existing ember-nodejs application into bluemix environment. I tried the following steps.
bluemix api https://api.ng.bluemix.net
bluemix login -u username -o org_name -s space_name
cf push app_name
I also tried the above command with an ember build pack from the list of compatible CF build packs
cf push app_name -b https://github.com/cloudfoundry-community/cf-docs-contrib/wiki/Buildpacks
Uploading is successful, but the application doesnt start up. Is there a recommended way of deploying ember-node js application?
It was a memory issue. I removed the other running apps and tried the cf push command again. The node modules got installed and the application also started without any fuss.
According to the user, this was actually a memory issue. Once he stopped the other running apps, his node modules were installed and the application started without any further errors. There are no issues specific to deploying ember-nodejs applications in the Bluemix environment.