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Optimize R chains (magrittr)

I would like to pipe (chain) magrittr object into loop. How can I do this?
I will use dummy operations/data as an example:


# Dummy data modification
d <- mtcars %>%
    setDT() %>%
    .[, cylSQ := sqrt(cyl)] %>%
    .[, carb3 := carb^3]
# Dummy loop
res <- list()
for(i in unique(d$gear)) {
    res[[i]] <- d[gear == i] %>%
        .[, lm(cylSQ ~ mpg + carb3 * wt)] %>%

Is it possible not to create object d and to pipe it directly to loop? For example:

for(i in unique(.$gear)) {
    res[[i]] <- .[gear == i] %>%

Edit: I don't want to replace loop with data.table or dplyr, just curious about piping.


  • This is a bit of sketchy work around, but you can use the exposition operator in the magrittr package %$%.


    mtcars %>% 
      filter(hp > 1) %$%
      for(i in 1:ncol(.)) {
    [1] 21
    [1] 6
    [1] 160
    [1] 110
    [1] 3.9
    [1] 2.62
    [1] 16.46
    [1] 0
    [1] 1
    [1] 4
    [1] 4