I'm writing some Unicode strings to HTML in Python. The way I do it is to use Unicode internally and only encode when output. So something like:
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
This works just as expect on my local machine. But when it's put on to Travis CI, the generated files have ü
in place of ü
. Any idea?
Here is my .travis.yml
language: python
python: 2.7.10
install: pip install -r requirements.txt
script: python main.py -d
provider: s3
access_key_id: XXX
secure: XXX
bucket: www.my.org
region: us-east-1
skip_cleanup: true
default_text_charset: 'utf-8'
local-dir: output
The minimal Python code that can reproduce the problem is following:
from pyquery import PyQuery as pq
argurl = 'http://hackingdistributed.com/tag/bitcoin/'
d = pq(url=argurl)
authors = []
for elem in d.find("h2.post-title a"):
pubinfo = pq(elem).parent().parent().find(".post-metadata .post-published")
author = pq(pubinfo).find(".post-authors").html().strip()
with open('output/test.html', 'w') as f:
f.write(': '.join(authors).encode('utf-8'))
Check out the output/test.html
to see the ü
This seems to be because your browser is likely wrongly reading the file. Easiest fix to this is to encode it as UTF-8 BOM by adding the BOM marker to the start of the file.
Here's the fixed code for writing to the file:
with open('output/test.html', 'w') as f:
f.write(u'\ufeff'.encode('utf-8')) # BOM marker
f.write(': '.join(authors).encode('utf-8'))