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Unity Ads Vs Unity Ads 2.0

I want to ask is there any difference in revenue by using new unity ads 2.0 as compare to unity ads

Unity Ads

Unity Ads 2.0


  • Unity Ads support Unity 4.2.2 or higher. This is made for people that are still using Unity 4.xx.

    Unity Ads 2.0 is for those that are running Unity 5.0.1 or higher.

    NEW Features:

    Unity claims improvement such as new ways to boost your eCPMs and optimized campaign performances in real-time and features that make it easier to explore data across our ad network, and maximize ARPDAU.

    • New visualization tool that help you improve your in-game economy and the player experience.
    • Ability to perform hourly brand ads’ revenue reporting and setting of categories, such as age and domain filters, makes it easy to find relevant info.
    • You no longer have to 'mix and match' performance from multiple sources and across different networks.