Hello everybody;
Table 1
id product_name location added_by updated_by added date
1 LENOVO St 23 2 1 2016-08-26
Table 2
id first_name last_name email
1 John Doe jd@email.com
2 Peter Smith ps@email.com
I would like to know how to select data with codeigniter query in order to get result like this
product_name location added_by updated_by
LENOVO St 23 Peter Smith John Doe
I have tried with join but added_by
column and updated_by
column display same data.
You can used this query for your problem :
$this->db->select('t1.product_name,t1.location, CONCAT(t2_1.first_name, " ", t2_1.last_name) AS added_by, CONCAT(t2_2.first_name, " ", t2_2.last_name) AS updated_by');
$this->db->from('Table 1 t1');
$this->db->join('Table 2 t2_1', 't2_1.id = t1.added_by', 'left');
$this->db->join('Table 2 t2_2', 't2_2.id = t1.updated_by', 'left');
$query = $this->db->get();
return $query->result();
you can changes according your table name inside query Table 1 and Table 2