I am attempting to use Firebase to pass deep links into my app that survive install.
To test this I am following the steps provided by the Firebase documentation and Firecast video here at about the 12min 40s mark. The steps are as follows:
This is the deeplink url that I created in the Firebase console: https://nqze6app.goo.gl/RIl8
This is the url that is passed into application:openURL prior to being passed into dynamicLinkFromCustomSchemeURL : com.johnbogil.voices://google/link/dismiss?fdl_cookie
This is the code in my openURL call:
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)app openURL:(NSURL *)url options:(NSDictionary<NSString *,id> *)options {
FIRDynamicLink *dynamicLink = [[FIRDynamicLinks dynamicLinks] dynamicLinkFromCustomSchemeURL:url];
if (dynamicLink) {
NSLog(@"I am handling a link through the openURL method");
[self handleDynamicLink:dynamicLink];
return YES;
} else {
return NO;
Not sure why dynamicLink.url is arriving nil. Any assistance is appreciated.
For anybody who else who's encountering this same error...
method is getting called, and dynamicLink
object from your dynamicLinkFromCustomSchemeURL
method, buturl
parameter of that dynamicLink object is nilThen double-check to see if you're in "Private" mode in Safari. That will kinda mess with Firebase Dynamic Links' ability to retrieve the original link that you clicked on.