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Firebase dynamic deep link arrives nil after install

I am attempting to use Firebase to pass deep links into my app that survive install.

To test this I am following the steps provided by the Firebase documentation and Firecast video here at about the 12min 40s mark. The steps are as follows:

  1. First I delete the app from my device.
  2. Then I press the link to open the app store.
  3. Then I run my app from xcode.
  4. Expected: The dynamicLink.url property will be equal to "https: //" in application:openURL
  5. Reality: The dynamicLink.url property arrives nil.

This is the deeplink url that I created in the Firebase console:

This is the url that is passed into application:openURL prior to being passed into dynamicLinkFromCustomSchemeURL : com.johnbogil.voices://google/link/dismiss?fdl_cookie

This is the code in my openURL call:

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)app openURL:(NSURL *)url options:(NSDictionary<NSString *,id> *)options { 
  FIRDynamicLink *dynamicLink = [[FIRDynamicLinks dynamicLinks] dynamicLinkFromCustomSchemeURL:url];
  if (dynamicLink) { 
    NSLog(@"I am handling a link through the openURL method"); 
    [self handleDynamicLink:dynamicLink]; 
    return YES; 
  } else { 
    return NO; 

Not sure why dynamicLink.url is arriving nil. Any assistance is appreciated.


  • For anybody who else who's encountering this same error...

    1. If your application:openURL method is getting called, and
    2. You do seem to be getting a valid dynamicLink object from your dynamicLinkFromCustomSchemeURL method, but
    3. The url parameter of that dynamicLink object is nil

    Then double-check to see if you're in "Private" mode in Safari. That will kinda mess with Firebase Dynamic Links' ability to retrieve the original link that you clicked on.