Is there a way to tell if a variable is defined on command line using SQLCMD?
Here is my command line:
sqlcmd -vDB="EduC_E100" -i"Z:\SQL Common\Admin\ProdToTest_DB.sql"
Inside ProdToTest_DB.sql I would like to set some sort of conditional IF to check if the variable does not exists and define it if it does not.
IF NOT $(DB) :setvar DB "C_Q200" END
I want to allow the script to be run both from command line and inside of SSMS.
Thanks in advance.
I've used variants of the following routine in numerous command-line-variable-dependant scripts. Here, "DataPath" is the required value.
DECLARE @Test_SQLCMD varchar(100)
-- Confirm that SQLCMD values have been set (assume that if 1 is, all are)
SET @Test_SQLCMD = '$(DataPath)'
IF reverse(@Test_SQLCMD) = ')htaPataD($'
-- SQLCMD variables have not been set, crash and burn!
RAISERROR('This script must be called with the required SQLCMD variables!', 20, 1) with log