One reason a profile may be invalid according to is that the certificate is now obsolete. Checking for the cert is covered in this post: Validate certificate and provisioning profile
I am interested more generally, how to test if the profile is now stale. Right now I find out with a very long delay, so it is impossible to decipher the cause of the invalidation. If I could run this command, say each time my build job runs on Jenkins, then I could be better able to failure analyze by noting exactly when the shift occurred from valid to invalid.
With a simple gem install, this can be achieved using fastlane's spaceship api, and the Developer portal doc shows an exact example.
broken_profiles = Spaceship.provisioning_profile.all.find_all do |profile|
# the below could be replaced with `!profile.valid?`, which takes longer but also verifies the code signing identity
(profile.status == "Invalid" or profile.status == "Expired")