Whenever I try to install node-sass via npm, this is what happens:
> node-sass@3.8.0 install C:\temp1\node_modules\node-sass
> node scripts/install.js
Terminate batch job (Y/N)?
It gets stuck on the install.js line on a Windows 7 Machine. Any ideas?
in my case, wait a long time, you will see a warn
Cannot download "https://github.com/sass/node-sass/releases/download/v3.8.0/win32-x64-46_binding.node":
it mean your network are terrible or some gateway refused your access to github, like my country's GFW
so you can use a VPN to solve it
or go to this link and download this filehttps://github.com/sass/node-sass/releases/download/v3.8.0/win32-x64-46_binding.node
then put it in your path like D:\xxx\node_modules\node-sass\vendor\win32-x64-46\binding.node
then in this pwd \node_modules\node-sass\scripts>
and run node ./install.js
the download file maybe different for your different environment
just see the warning
but I fixed it in this way.
Best Wishes.